Crowds smaller than expected.
Cops continue to maintain professionalism.
Bosses licking their chops in anticipation of taking all the credit:
Cops continue to maintain professionalism.
Bosses licking their chops in anticipation of taking all the credit:
- For a moment, it looked as if everyone’s NATO nightmare was about to come true.
Chicago cops raced their bikes between cars on Michigan Avenue. They sped toward a swelling crowd of angry and rowdy protesters at Wacker Drive. Some in that group had begged — literally begged — cops to throw a punch, shoot a gun, anything to set off the crowd.
The masses looked potentially violent.
The cops appeared ready to meet force with force.
In the heart of Chicago’s business district, the scene was primed to explode.
But it never happened.
That's Pulitzer Prize writing right there folks.
Today is the big day though. Hot, humid, crowded. We get past Saturday and things might lighten up a bit.
Today is the big day though. Hot, humid, crowded. We get past Saturday and things might lighten up a bit.