Amazing. The Captains voted what? A week or so ago to sell out their own contract and by their actions, throw everything else into disarray. Now the city and Department turn around and stick it in their asses? Priceless:
- Exempts and XO's were called to an emergency meeting yesterday at 1730. All XO's will be in Sun/Mon, start at either 1630 or 1730. They wlll approve all overtime and CU for all 3 watches.They will all be given blackberries and if there is a problem they can be called while they are off and they will be compensated(OT) for the calls!!!!They will be responsbile for all administration duties and crime analysis(compstat) in the district. There new office will be the former Watch Commander office and the station supervisor will sit out at the desk. The goal is to remove all Lt's from Units and put them back in patrol.
Things got pretty heated, it became obvious to the Capt/XO's that they got lied to and fucked by the City and good ole Don O'Neil. The City specifically put the starting times at 1630/1730 because they are within 3 hours of the starting time of 3rd(1330) and 1st(2030)watch. The Capts can have their hours changed by 3 without being compensated.
We are in for a long and bumpy rode, grab your ankles and hold on tight
Everyone saw this one coming. Everyone except the 23 Captains who voted for Hoot's harebrained scheme. Remember, these are our leaders selling everyone else down the river.