But I find it hard to believe a Chicago cop would Taser a defiant pregnant white woman over a parking violation.
She wasn't Tasered for a parking violation you ignorant bitch. She was Tasered following her blatant disregard for the lawful orders issued by a police officer in the State of Illinois and attempting to defeat an arrest by fleeing the scene. Once the offender refuses to present ID for a second citation (littering), it becomes an arrest situation and any attempt to drive away is classified as resistance to arrest. Look it up.
And then this:
Remember the Anne and Elizabeth Hatch fiasco?
They are the daughters of then-Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch. In 2005, the sisters were thrown out of a North Side nightclub, allegedly because they had too much to drink. The police charged that Elizabeth struck a police officer, knocking the officer’s glasses off his face, and that Anne slapped an officer and kicked out the rear passenger-side window.
Despite the ruckus these young women allegedly put up, at no point did police officers use Tasers.
Um, not to put to fine a point on it, but as our readers point out, Chicago Police weren't issued Tasers in 2005. If we recall, only Sergeants had Tasers in 2006/2007 and general issue of Tasers didn't occur until the reign of J-Fled in 2008. So Mope-rah is showing her ass again, attempting to race-bait where no race-baiting existed.
How very....typical, shall we say?
And the honeymoon is over with the CPD and the Slum Times it seems. Their reporters have evidently been to medical school and graduated as doctors. Look at this turning of a phrase by the Slum Times Medical Professionals:
- Rent appeared exhausted as she left University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital in a wheelchair Wednesday afternoon. Accompanied by Hobbs and obviously in the advanced stages of pregnancy, she declined to comment on the advice of Saulter.
And then they can point out the section of Illinois law that lets pregnant women act the fool, assault officers and attempt to defeat lawful arrests. We'd go back to the Academy for that one.