Once again, Rahm proves he's not interested in actual solutions, just cheap political shots: And he takes his shots from behind a wall of armed cops - 26 at last count?
- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says the NRA's desire to have an armed officer in every American school is "outrageous and unsettling."
"That is not the right answer for our society, our schools and most importantly our children," he said in a statement issued Friday.
The mayor said the answer to America's gun violence is a reduction in the number of arms in society, not adding more guns to schools.
Really? Because what has stopped many school shootings? Oh yeah, someone armed, often times NOT the police, showing up on the scene and confronting the shooter. In fact, there are entire studies done since Columbine that show when confronted, school shooters either surrender or suicide themselves. It led to a complete revamping of how police respond to active shooter scenarios, including our own response plans.
- "People across this country, from small towns to big cities, are united and ready to pass common-sense gun control legislation. The time has come for the NRA to get on board or get out of the way," said Emanuel.
That's how the left handles debate - our way or the highway. Any objections are met with "get out of our way." Meanwhile, Rahm tells lies about people "united," while the NRA has nearly 10,000 people a day joining their organization.
And Gallup, a polling company not exactly known for leaning Rightward, shows more people agree with the NRA proposals than Rahm's:
The left argues illegal immigrants can't be deported because there are 12 million to remove. They argue you can't outlaw illegal drugs because 25 million people use these substances. The question becomes, how do they plan on removing 250 million guns from 80 million people?