You act like an asshole, regardless of physical condition, you just may get Tasered:
- A woman who was shocked by a stun gun during a dispute with police in the parking lot of a South Side Walgreens says the officer knew she was pregnant.
"I was standing at the squad car close enough for him to see that I was pregnant," Tiffany Rent, who is eight months pregnant, said this morning hours after she was released from custody.
Given the state of Chicago's so-called "obesity epidemic," we doubt the officer knew anything of the sort. We'd love to see this idiot prove that allegation in court.
Even more shocking that a 5-second ride on the lightning, McJumpsToConclusions seems to have actually heeded the advice coming from our readers to keep his mouth shut on ongoing investigations:
- At an unrelated news conference today, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said police would "take appropriate action" but he could release few details while the complaint is investigated by the Independent Police Review Authority.
“That case is being investigated right now by IPRA. I don’t have many details on it," McCarthy said. "What I can tell you is, we immediately, as soon as we got the complaint we started the investigation, and when we realized what was going on, we referred it over to IPRA and we’re going to take appropriate action.”
When asked what Chicago police policy is regarding a stun gun being used on a pregnant person, McCarthy said: "Well, first of all, you can’t always tell whether somebody is pregnant. So, you want to use it where you are overcoming assault or preventing escape. That’s what it boils down to."
"That policy has been in effect for quite some time," McCarthy said. "Whether or not the policy has been adhered to is going to be examined separately from the investigation into the use of force. So we’ll keep you posted on that, and we’ll see how it plays out.”
Amazing. Pretty much a textbook answer for all dealings with the media trolls. Stick up for the officer (conditionally if policy was followed), promise a full and prompt investigation, swear to keep the media informed. Nicely played.