A couple of years back, we ran a series of photos from various police districts showing unsafe, unsanitary and pretty gross conditions. We also pointed out some structural failings due to shoddy construction and on-the-cheap contracting.
J-Fled was trying to upgrade certain things while the city built the last of the new stations. The rehab work is still going on places (Rahm couldn't revoke the contracts evidently), and the 011th District clocks in a new one (the first was excrement dripping from the ceilings - a throwback to the old Ivory Tower):

As the work crew strips the old asbestos pipes, they just toss them in the dumpster, endangering cops, garbage men, neighbors, and the can guy picking through the trash. Watch yourselves Fillmo.
J-Fled was trying to upgrade certain things while the city built the last of the new stations. The rehab work is still going on places (Rahm couldn't revoke the contracts evidently), and the 011th District clocks in a new one (the first was excrement dripping from the ceilings - a throwback to the old Ivory Tower):