This might be an issue that can be solved with a phone call or two:
- As an open post, I will take advantage of bemoaning a problem out of state retirees face when dealing with the Department. I have a "new style" retiree ID card which shows my dates of service on the reverse side. After a number of year now it has become worn.
I contacted the Personnel Department seeking a replacement and was told that the civilian supervisor/manager in charge had an apparent personal policy that no replacement cards will be issued thru the mail and only will be replaced with a retiree presenting themselves in person at Headquarters.
Many of us have left town for a warmer climate and live thousands of miles away. Somehow, along with a $15 money order, a copy of our present drivers license, a copy of a pension check, and the original id card that needs replacing, being sent through the United States Postal System as registered mail is not sufficient proof of authenticity of the retired officer.
From what I understand this is a policy of a person and not Department policy. I hope that someone in a position of power and authority recognizes the problem and institutes a system or process for the replacement of id cards by mail for retirees.
Why is the Department making retirees jump through nonsensical hoops? There's nothing to be gained by making a retiree come back to Chicago for a piece of plastic. The FOID card is handled through the mail all the time and it supposedly has more responsibility attached to it that a retiree ID card would.
This sounds, as the reader says, like a power trip by one person. How about someone in charge put that person in his or her place?
This sounds, as the reader says, like a power trip by one person. How about someone in charge put that person in his or her place?