This came out Friday, but we didn't want to cover it as we don't do heavy traffic on the weekends. From the comment sections:
- New order is out today. The department isued new rules for light and limited duty status. Officers will have to actually apply and submit documents to the medical section to prove why they deserve light duty status. About time that standards are set to eliminate the fakers on this job. If a officer is legitimately recovering or has a actual injury then let him/her recover. But to be on light duty for years is bullshit. This will force more old timers to retire and the fakers will be exposed. It is too easy to obtain a light duty status for the CPD.
This was a losing proposition from the word go. Any employer (municipality) that has gone to court to contest "light duty" status has won. And in most cases, won big. We recall that the previous FOP administration was in negotiations with the city to come up with a solid number of light duty spots that would be filled "as needed." This would have guaranteed "x" number of spots to be held for cardiac cases, cancer patients, long term medical issue officers who could provide proof of illness. It would also prevent a knowledge drain from officers having to leave the Department due to medical conditions that are, in many cases, curable or solvable.
Does anyone know if FOP negotiated a final number? We don't doubt for a minute there are abuses out there. But there's no reason we can't find a spot for a copper serving out his/her term while fighting a long term illness.
Does anyone know if FOP negotiated a final number? We don't doubt for a minute there are abuses out there. But there's no reason we can't find a spot for a copper serving out his/her term while fighting a long term illness.