A number of people have accused us of defending the cop who told Henny Penny he hadn't written a mover in 7 years. If they could just point that out to us, we'd appreciate it. We doubt you'll find it as we didn't write it.
In the meantime, we have made no secret of disdaining quotas. Quotas lead to bad police work.
We have no problem doing police work, but police work isn't a numbers game. Unfortunately, that's exactly how it's being treated by too many bosses and politicians. Today, it's contact cards. A few years back, it was event numbers and missions. Before that it was Search Warrants. A few years before that, it was guns (the old SOS/Gun Teams/PSN teams/etc.) And going back to when we started, it was "index numbers." It's a joke.
Morons who have never ever produced a quota number attempting to tell police officers to fulfill some unwritten quota system so they can look good at meetings with other number crunchers is insane. Especially one who hasn't been promoted legit once in her career, though she was demoted legitimately. We won't even get into her disastrous personal baggage which would fill a post all by itself.
Anyone who thinks we "owe" the citizens movers, parkers and contact cards is drinking way too much kool-aid. They get fleeced by Rahm daily, and before Rahm, by Daley. We owe the citizenry prompt service, thorough investigations, common courtesy and proper enforcement when appropriate. Unfortunately, in these less than stellar times, prompt service is out the window due to manpower considerations and the lack of detectives mean investigations are rare. The breakdown of these first two elements leads to less courtesy and proper enforcement becomes nearly impossible after everything else breaks down, including a broken court system, vindictive prosecution of officer mistakes, financial endangerment of officer assets, deal making instead of prosecuting and a ravenous mayor who craves $$$ for more programs over everything else.
Some of it may be coppers being "dogs," but way more of it is officers in survival mode. You're going to risk it all on a spin of the Cook County Wheel of Justice?