Remember when Rahm promised 1,000 more officers on the streets and his handpicked superintendent took 500 officers (who were already serving on the streets) and put them back on the streets? And didn't McSpeaksOutOfBothSidesOfHisMouth tell everyone that TRU, MSF and similar constructs WERE NOT the answer to entrenched crime and disorder problems?
So why are these rumors getting stronger rather than fading like most rumors tend to?
So why are these rumors getting stronger rather than fading like most rumors tend to?
- McNumbnuts LATEST and GREATEST tragedies, um sorry, strategy is to amass narcotics, fugitives and others into one ONE district and, "Just make arrests." Not work on what you we're doing but to become the "new" TRU or MSF without the deterrent those units did.
Each day is a different district, so ALL the shit you did the day before goes out the window. Don't worry if you found a spot to work, don't worry if you work files with other tact teams, we'll get to those next week.
Oh yeah, we still want the same activity you did BEFORE we implemented this latest and greatest tragedy, er, strategy for the 7th, 8th or whatever time this year.
In fact, we've just seen an order detailing tact teams, narcotics, gang enforcement to "hot spots" this weekend to do buy/busts and reverses for three days straight.
So let's get this straight - units are not the answer because they don't stick around to build rapport with the community, but taking units and sending them into these troubled neighborhoods while telling them to "generate numbers" is.....what exactly?
Oh yeah, exactly what Mc"I Invented Police Work" said didn't work before. Imagine that.
Oh yeah, exactly what Mc"I Invented Police Work" said didn't work before. Imagine that.