A friend of ours and instrumental plaintiff in the McDonald v Chicago lawsuit, Colleen Lawson is offering our readers a specially priced shooting course:
- As a certified Mag range instructor, I hereby offer Massad Ayoob's Mag-20 range course next weekend, to any interested LEO, at a full $100 less than normal, and if they'd like to qualify with their back-ups in addition to their duty weapons, that will be okay too. The entire class will be set aside for LEO exclusively that weekend.
I know next weekend won't work for all, but I hope the dates of Sept 1-2 will work for some - it's a 20 hour course and there are NO other 20 hour weekends available till next year -- I checked. It will be held at Article II in Lombard, which I've chosen since it's the only indoor range suited to the Mag-20. In a conversation with a couple of officers this morning regarding the Empire State shooting today, I decided to shuffle previously scheduled classes and offer the weekend to any interested CPD.
What is the Mag-20? The MAG-20 Range Course was formerly known as the StressFire Course of Massad Ayoob’s Lethal Force Institute. After interviewing hundreds of officers who had survived gunfights, Ayoob drew on their experiences, combined with his own decades long research, and created a powerful combat handgun system, initially known as the StressFire shooting method. Ayoob's research showed that in life threatening situations, human beings experience profound physical and psychological pressures causing deterioration of fine motor skills, and altering perceptions of time and other sensory inputs. Combining proven shooting techniques with principles from various martial arts styles, StressFire is a system that not only works under the enormous stress of violent encounters but actually feeds off it.
In short, Massad Ayoob's MAG-20 Range Course is an eye-opening, two day program designed to bring out the officer's maximum potential for shooting a handgun under stress and to achieve the optimum blend of speed and accuracy while maintaining the highest control possible in concert with what's been learned through a focused study of combat psychology and physiology.
Students will learn drawing from concealment, two-handed shooting stances, one-handed shooting with either hand, shooting from positions that work from behind cover, speed reloading and more with overall emphasis on fast, accurate shot placement. Training includes completion of a police-style qualification and entails an expenditure of approximately 500 rounds during training. While the qualifying student's comes away with a frame-worthy certificate, his body comes away with actions and reactions honed to life-saving response.
For those officers requesting it, I'm fine with a payment plan, rather than turn down any officer who'd like learn to be that much safer while sharpening his or her skills.
I'll be updating my website overnight to reflect the class changes, but interested individuals can just call to register, as my firearm skills beat my WordPress skills by a mile!
The number is 773-234-5053, but I'll attach a business card to this email as well. Hope this strikes you as a good way of saying thanks: the mag-20 is the best I have, out of a roster of 9 classes from greenest beginner to well-seasoned shot.
Stay safe, SCC
~ Colleen Lawson