Rumors abound!
- Promotion lists are no more.
Lists are now down unofficially, but come down officially in May. Either way there will be no Lt, Sgt, or Det promotions in 2011.
Rahm's team is revamping promotions. The plan is to make each promotion part test, part interview, part activity. Not surprisingly, Rahm's team is very down on the quality of bosses found on the CPD. A review of all exempts rated more than half as unacceptable.
Rahm's team does not like the way the CPD is run. Items that are repeatedly criticized are perpetual discipline problems with no resolution, very low clearance rates, very low arrest totals for the vast majority of patrol officers, but the biggest complaint is supervision. The belief that officers routinely have no focused mission and instead simply do whatever they want in between 911 calls.
Expect most officers to be returned to district patrol and expect major changes in patrol after May.
Interesting. Very interesting. Start getting your General Orders up to date.